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The creative core of FM PRODUÇÕES is structured as a group that develops script projects and is composed of twelve writers from diverse backgrounds, graduated in areas such as Social Communication, History, Theater, Cinema, Art Education, Advertising, Marketing and Philosophy. The members started working together in 2015 after sharing an experience of a script workshop organized by Curtiu Produções and accomplished by Marcio Trigo and Celso Taddei.


At Bogota Audiovisual Market the creative core of FM PRODUÇÕES received proposals from latin american producers and the german distributor Media Luna to write original scripts that will be produced soon. It also has been developed two TV series and one feature film project, this one a coproduction Brazil-Italy to be distributed by Media Luna.


Rua Nascimento Silva 4-B/1501

Rio de Janeiro RJ Brasil 

CEP 22081-000 

Celular: + 351 927255979

Fernando Muniz

Skype: munizmilano


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